名人名言言简意赅······ 名人名言 |阿里社区…… – 阿里社区

名人名言言简意赅······ 名人名言 |阿里社区……




look当作及物动词时,可以说She doesn’t look her age. 她看来与她的年龄不相称(指显得年轻)。但下一句的意思却完全不同:Bill looks his life; he is only forty, but appears to be sixty.(比尔的模样显示了他坎坷的经历,他只有40岁,但看上去像是60岁的人。)

再看look out。当一名乘客坐在列车窗边向外张望时,正值旁边一辆列车从相反的方向驶来。好心人在后面叫嚷Look out!(当心!),意思是提醒那位乘客不要把脑袋伸出去,但他却理解为“朝外看,向外探头”,便将头探出窗外,酿成惨剧。

Look up 有多种不同的用法和意思。

(1)抬头看。I looked up and saw her.我抬起头来,看见了她。

(2)好转,改善。The national economy is beginning to look up.国民经济开始好转。

(3)(尤其指多时不见之后)看望,拜访。I want to look up an old friend.我想去拜访一个老朋友。

(4)查检,查阅。Look up new words in the divtionary.翻字典,查新词。


put away

(1)储存,存放。The fruits should be carefully put away in the fridge.水果应妥善地贮藏在冰箱里。Put away a good sum of money in the bank for one’s old age.在银行里储存一笔可观的钱为防老之用。

(2)吃喝掉。They put away vast quantities of cake. 他们吃掉了大量糕点。

put through

(1)接通(电话)。I am trying to put you through.我正设法为你接通电话。

(2)完成,做成。Put through an agreement (a series of reforms).达成协议/实施改革措施。

put off

(1)关掉,熄灭。Put the light off.把灯熄了。

(2)推迟(或取消)。Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事切不要推到明天。

(三)turn 也有不少特殊的意思和用法,以turn up、turn down、turn out 为例:

turn up

(1)开大,调高。turn up (the volume on) the radio把收音机开响些

(2)翻起,折起。turn up the sleeves (or soil)卷起衣袖/翻土

(3)出现,重现。He turned up an hour later.他迟了一小时才露面。

(4)查找,查阅。Turn up the dictionary if you cannot spell the word.拼不出就。

turn down

(1)调低,关小。turn down the radio (or the light)把收音机音量调低一些/把灯光调暗一点

(2)拒绝。turn down a job拒做一件工作;turn down an offer of help拒绝接受帮助。

turn out

(1)关掉。Turn out the light.关灯。

(2)赶出,辞退。He was turned out of his job.他被辞退了。

(3)集合,出席。Voters turned out in good numbers.选民出席率很高。

(4)结局,原来是。The story turned out happily.故事结局圆满。She turned ou to be his daughter.原来她就是他的女儿。



I have not come to China to hold forth on what divides us, but to build on what binds us.我来中国,不是要大谈我们的分歧,而是要发扬我们的友情。


The world will little note nor long remember what we said here, but it can never forget what they did here.

We here highly resolve that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


The agreement(指中英关于香港问题的声明)is not a way out.(双关语,指英国人撤出)It is a way forward–a practical blueprint for success. It can work. It is working.

Yes, you get help if you are unemplyed. But you must be actively seeking work. You get no help if you choose to be unemployed. The government’s task is to give people opportunity, not handouts.


A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation.

A politician is a

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